Freelancers are stuck chasing GIGs
REAL freedom comes with clients cashing YOU instead.
119+ Freelancers
Freelancers Guided
Generated For Our Freelancers THIS YEAR
Proven Methods To Get Clients
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COO of Friday
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CEO of Wednesday
You Know Coding or Design, But Struggle To Attract High-Paying Clients?
Learn from my step by step method to reach an extra $1,000 to $10,000 by learning how to sell your tech skills (even if you feel like you don't know enough) with techniques like:
• 90-Day Planning
• LinkedIn Profile Optimization
• Upwork Profile Optimization
You’ll learn how to position yourself, attract clients, and generate wealth by crafting an IRRESISTBLE offer for your future employers.
You don't have to go on this hard journey alone.
You can leverage the learnings of beginning, medium and advanced freelancers.
We work on projects together joining forces in Project Management, UI/UX design, Gamification experts, you name it.
Unlock your richest life with a personalized system that's clear and easy to follow. By reframing your mindset, you can bring your money, business, and career to the next level.
Create your own rules
Make your profession personal
See money differently
We elevate each other and work together combining our skillsets to expand our capacity.
Next Coaching Call: UpWork Profile Optimization
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